
Sometimes finding the source of a water leak in a vehicle is difficult and time consuming. Diagnosing a water leak can be made easier by first conducting an interview to ask the customer some questions, and then following up with some simple good practice procedures.

Questions to ask your customer should include:

These types of questions are valuable in helping you to properly duplicate or discover the conditions and possible root cause contributing to a water leak. This information will help you find the source and fix it right the first time.

There is a simple, but effective four-step troubleshooting procedure that you can use that will give you the best chance of preventing comebacks:

1. Verify

2. Isolate

3. Repair

4. Recheck



Perhaps the most important part of this procedure is the very first one: Verify.

The customer interview can make or break your verification time. For you to have the best chance of success, your service advisor needs to relay an accurate description of the customer comments.





Ultrasonic Leak Detector

An ultrasonic leak detector is a great tool for helping to pinpoint windshield leaks without having to water soak the car.

Ultrasonic, as the name implies, is sound above the detection range of the human ear.

The ultrasonic leak detector tool is capable of hearing pressures and vacuum leaks in an ultrasonic range. It consists of a highly sensitive microphone device, headphones, and a transmitter that can be used to detect a window seal leak opening or even an urethane skip along the windshield glass.

During operation it is largely unaffected by background noise so it greatly reduces other ambient noise from adjacent work bays using advanced filtering technology. The leak detector maintains the original sound characteristics along a path you’re checking until it detects an ultrasonic noise generated by a leak and translates it into a sound a technician can hear.


NOTE: Utilize a tech inside the vehicle to move the speaker along the suspected seam, while you remain outside following along with the receiver.

This method will allow you to maintain a constant delta distance between the source and receiver, which will help increase the sound emitted at a leak location.


Isolating the point of water entry is sometimes the hardest step to fixing the leak. Usually this means being able to see where the water is entering the car, but that’s not always possible. It will take two technicians to perform the wet method diagnostic test because you’ll need someone in the car to actually see where the water is coming into the vehicle, not just where it is traveling along.


NOTE: When diagnosing a leak complaint, be sure to try and duplicate the conditions that occurred when the customer noticed the leak.

1. Turn the A/C blower OFF. You don’t want the passenger compartment “pressurized” for this test method.



2. When water testing a vehicle, begin checking at the lowest possible leak location such as: from the bottom of the windshield, at the lowest point on a window, floor, or bottom of the door, and gradually work your way up to the roof.


NOTE: Keep in mind, it’s probably a waste of time checking higher up in the vehicle for additional leaks, until you’ve fixed the lower leak location(s) you’ve discovered.

ISOLATE (Continued)

Even if your service advisor has gathered plenty of detailed information during the customer interview. The customer statements may still require some additional thought on your part:

“The leak only happens when the interior fan is operated at higher fan speeds and while I’m driving in the rain.”

If the customer has described a condition like this, the issue becomes slightly more complicated.

Why would the windshield leak only when the blower fan is ON, when the vehicle is moving?



Answer: When the fan is turned ON, areas of low or negative pressure can be produced within the passenger compartment. When areas of high pressure are created outside the vehicle (as when the vehicle is moving), the pressure differential between the high pressure outside and the low pressure inside can cause air and rain outside the vehicle to be drawn inside.

As you’re trying to determine the source of the leak, remember the old saying used by house roofers: “Think like a rain drop”. Because of gravity, water may actually be leaking down a ‘blind’ path from an entry point whose whereabouts may not readily be seen.

If the water leak is evidenced by a wet floor:


Visually check possible leak locations at:



Once a water leak source is pinpointed, eliminating the leak is usually an obvious repair:




NOTE: Use a Genuine NISSAN Urethane Adhesive or equivalent and follow the instructions furnished with it.

Recheck the Repair

Confirm that the water leak is repaired by retesting for leaks. Try to create similar conditions as when the leak originally occurred.

Remember, conducting a proper customer interview and following simple good practice procedures can help you with diagnosing and eliminating leaks. Equipped with good information, some great deductive thinking on your part and the four-step troubleshooting procedure, you can save the day (and lots of time)! And what’s better than being able to make a repair that makes a customer happy!
